The Hendricks County Arts Council and Visit Hendricks County proudly announce the launch of the Hues of Hendricks County Public Art Initiative. This ambitious project will bring five vibrant public art installations to communities across the county, enhancing cultural pride, fostering community engagement, and revitalizing public spaces.
The Hues of Hendricks County Public Art Initiative represents a collective effort to celebrate the rich culture and diversity of our communities. By transforming public spaces through art, this placemaking initiative aims to create a more appealing destination that inspires community pride and enhances quality of place.
The initiative is made possible, in part, by a matching grant from the READI 180 in Color program, which supports transformative community projects through funding and collaboration.
Call For Artists
Artists and artist teams are invited to participate in this transformative initiative. The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2025. All projects are slated for completion by the end of Summer 2025.
Varies per opportunity, please see Project Locations for details. Artist fee includes design, materials, labor, insurance, travel, lodging, food, documentation, and all other personal costs. The artist fee does not include costs associated with surface preparation, priming, and the application of an anti-graffiti coating after the mural installation. These processes will be completed and paid by the Hendricks County Arts Council. Lift and/or scaffolding rental will also be covered by HCAC.
Deadline For Applications
Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. (EDT). This is an UPLOAD deadline: your application must be submitted by this date.
Project Information
Artists and artist teams are invited to submit qualifications for consideration for mural projects throughout Hendricks County in Summer 2025. Please see below for details about each location. Applicants will be considered for all projects by each separate Selection Panel, and may be identified for more than one project.
Murals are anticipated to last between 5-8 years, so paint materials used to complete the projects must be professional, exterior-grade, water-based coatings designed for exposure to year-round exterior conditions. Sites cannot accommodate murals on panels, kinetic or sculptural works, or any artwork that requires power or water. If you routinely paint murals in-studio on Pellon or Polytab for later adhesion to the mural wall, please check with the program organizer before applying, as the material and its adhesive may not be compatible with some historic buildings.
Eligibility Requirements
To qualify for this project, artists must:
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Be a U.S. citizen, or if not a U.S. citizen, possess documentation of legal ability to work in the United States
- Carry liability insurance for the duration of the project
- Be able to meet State of Indiana worker’s compensation insurance requirements
Preference may be given to artists who live in Hendricks County, Central Indiana, or those who are familiar with the local communities where the mural projects will occur. Artists are eligible regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital or familial status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, and gender expression or identity. Artist teams are eligible to apply, including teams of artists from multiple disciplines. Selection panelists and their immediate family members are not eligible for participation. No artist sitting on a Selection Panel may submit a proposal for the project for which the Selection Panel was formed.
Additional Considerations
The Hendricks County Arts Council is particularly seeking artists who:
- Have created public art, large-scale works, or exterior projects
- Have experience working in a community process
Project Locations
Danville, Indiana
Artist Fee: $15,000.
Location: The Gallery on the Square building located at 51 S Washington Street Danville, IN 46122.
Scope: The Town of Danville is the center of government for Hendricks County, and rich in small-town charm. Several murals have been painted in downtown Danville celebrating its character and history. This mural should celebrate art and cultural contributions of the Royal Theater and The Gallery on the Square. As part of the east alley activation project that connects the courthouse square with businesses on the east side of town center, the mural area wraps around the northeast corner of the building, including a 14’ x 12’ section on the north-facing wall and a 15’ x 30’ section on the west-facing wall.
Coatesville, Indiana
Artist Fee: $15,000.
Location: SW corner of Main and Milton
Scope: The Coatesville Mural project aims to enhance the visual appeal and cultural vibrancy of the community of Coatesville. This mural will be a significant addition to the heart of town, fostering a sense of identity and pride among residents and visitors alike. The mural area is a corrugated metal wall, approximately 40′ long x 20′.
Lizton, Indiana
Artist Fee: $15,000.
Location: Lizton/Union Township Volunteer Fire Department Headquarters at 101 E Main Street
Scope: The Lizton Mural project originated from a Hendricks County Community Foundation donor who allocated funds to support revitalization efforts in Lizton. The mural area is located on the south side of the building at the intersection of State Road 39 and US 136. It’s a corrugated metal wall, approximately 20′ wide x 30′ at the peak.
North Salem, Indiana
Artist Fee: $15,000.
Location: 101-107 West Pearl Street North Salem, Indiana
Scope: Recognizing the potential of public art to create pride of place, stakeholders in North Salem are interested in collaborating with Visit Hendricks County and the Hendricks County Arts Council on a public art project in downtown North Salem. The mural area is located on the Broadway Street side of the building on Pearl Street. It’s a brick wall, approximately 20′ wide x 15′.
Plainfield, Indiana
Artist Fee: TBD
Location: The Center Street Parking Garage in downtown Plainfield
More details on the scope of this project are coming soon!
Selection Process
Once the qualifications materials are received from interested artists, the Selection Panel will review the applications and make recommendations for an artist to Commission for each location. Hendricks County Arts Council will notify the selected artist and conduct a mandatory community workshop for each project to inform them about issues relating to the project. The artist will then develop a specific design proposal based on interaction with the Selection Panel and discussions with the relevant community.
Minimum Qualifications
A minimally qualified application will have ALL of the following:
- The artist’s letter articulates interest in pursuing this project as well as describing its relevance to their artistic practice.
- The artist’s letter of interest reveals an understanding of and, if applicable, personal connection to, the public art site and project description.
- The artist’s resume reveals a record of practice in the art field, including public art commissions.
- The applicant submits photographs of 5-10 completed public art projects of similar or larger scale completed in the last five years.
- The artist’s past work reveals aesthetic, conceptual, and technical expertise.
Selection Panel
The Selection Panel will be comprised of three members from the Hendricks County Arts Council, one member from Visit Hendricks County, and at least two members from each of the locations hosting murals, with property owners participating according to their preference.
Selection Criteria
The Selection Panel will select the commissioned artist for each location based upon the following criteria:
- A record of effectively executed work of the highest technical caliber
- Demonstrated experience working within program guidelines
- Verified ability to complete work within a specified timeframe
- Record of projects with strong visual impact on pedestrian and vehicular traffic
- Personal aesthetic displays appropriateness of content (should be appropriate for all audiences)
- Style and aesthetic is appropriate to the community and desirable for the site
Project Timeline
The project will follow this timeline:
- February 28: Request for Qualifications Deadline
- March 3-21: Selection Panel Reviews Qualifications Packages and Selects Artists
- By March 31: HCAC Notifies Artists of Selection
- April 18: Concept Design Due (varies by location)
- May 2: Final approvals (varies by location)
- Mid/Late May: Site Prep (varies by location)
- June: Mural painting (varies slightly by location)
- By June 27: All projects completed
Application Process
- Applicant Information: Name of artist, name(s) of any partner(s), contact address, contact email, contact phone #, social media handles/info
- Professional Bio, Resume or CV: No longer than 3 pages
- Work Samples: Provide up to 10 images of past work that best represent your experience, style, and ability as it relates to this project. In addition, you may also submit images of any other work (large scale or otherwise) that best represents your work over the past 3 years. Name your submitted digital files according to the following format: FirstLast_01.jpg, FirstLast_02.jpg, etc. and include a list of the work samples with as much information about each of the samples as possible (include name/title of piece, location, medium, process, dimensions, year completed, cost/price/commission amount, and any other pertinent information).
Delivery of Applications
All required materials must be uploaded or otherwise delivered electronically by Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. (EDT).
Contact Anne Johansson, Hendricks County Arts Council,, or 317.374.6331